Doctor Optimara

Leaves Darken - Necrosis is General

Necrosis is general. The leaves are almost uniformly affected, and the necrosis appears to be affecting all of the leaves.

This symptom may be caused by a number of problems. You may either view the full list of possible causes, or select from the list of additional symptoms below in order to narrow down your search.

Note: Given enough time and a lack of treatment, necrosis is a symptom which will eventually affect plants suffering from any number of problems. For instance, while the appearance of chlorosis (pale leaves) is markedly different from the appearance of necrosis (dark leaves), many of the conditions which cause leaves to pale will eventually cause leaves to darken as well. To this extent, necrosis and the darkening of leaves that it causes would rarely be useful in distinguishing one problem from any other. In the context of diagnosis, therefore, necrosis is a symptom indicative of those conditions for which the darkening of leaves will be among the first noticeable symptoms. As such, if necrosis is only the most recent in a long list of symptoms affecting your plant, it may be difficult to accurately determine the cause. For this reason, it may be advisable to begin your search using one of the other symptoms you are seeing.

Additional Symptoms

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