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Doctor OptimaraAfrican Violet Problem Diagnosis
Diagnosing an African Violet

Doctor Optimara allows you to progressively input combinations of symptoms in order to zero in on the cause. At each step, you can view the entire list of problems which may cause the symptoms you have indicated to that point. When the diagnosis is complete, you will be provided with a complete description of the problem, along with recommended treatment and prevention options. To begin diagnosing your African Violet, click on one of the buttons below. Select the one which best describes the part of the plant on which you are seeing symptoms.

  Diagnosis Buttons

Note: "Other" includes symptoms which either do not appear on the other five areas or are not specific to any one area of the plant, i.e., symptoms which appear on the plant as a whole or in the soil, pot or watering device.

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Copyright 1999-2002 Optimara/Holtkamp Greenhouses, Inc. Nashville, Tennessee. Doctor Optimara, the Doctor Optimara logo and Optimara Field Guide are trademarks of Holtkamp Greenhouses, Inc. Optimara, the Optimara logo, EverFloris, MiniWell, MaxiWell, WaterShip and Watermaid are trademarks of International Plant Breeding, A.G., Switzerland.